The rules:
1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.
What is/ are your current obsession? being his close friend and having new cell phone SE k660i or other type of SE Walkman (again)
What is your weirdest obsession? pengen punya Pintu Kemana Saja biar deket mau kemana-mana ga butuh ongkos lagi hahahaha
What are you wearing today? just a pink shirt and green short pants
What’s for dinner today? Delicious seasoned meat , Grilled Chicken and Cap Cay
Makeup kit you can’t live without? Pond's Lightening Cream, Aubeau powder, and perfume.
What would you like to learn to do? Bicycling! Of course, i want to bycicling around the street
What’s the last thing you bought? tiga kunciran kabel telpon warna biru gelap, biru terang, sama putih
What are you listening to right now? "Hanya kamu yang bisa ... membuat aku tergila-gila ..." - Tiket-Hanya Kamu Yang Bisa, dari tipi, gatau juga acara apa-
What is your favorite weather? Cloudy, gak gerah dan ga panas tapi ga ujan juga.
What is your most challenging goal right now? get the best score in my final exam 2 weeks from now
What do you think about the person who tagged you? smart, powerful voice, moody, internet LOVER, and likes to fart around the house wakakakakaak
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? England ... or Paris? i LOVE them both.
What would you like to have in your hands right now? SE K660i
What would you like to get rid of? SWEAT! dan orang kepedean yang banyak omong
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? England
Which language do you want to learn? French
What do you look for in a friend? Sincerity, loyalty, craziness, and not much "gaya" and being his/herself
Who do you want to meet in person? my old friends and my crush ... hahahaha.
What’s your favorite type of music? Pop, and a little bit of rock
What's your favorite hollywood actor? Dominic Purcell, i like his style. Cowok banget!
What is your dream job? that suits to my education later and related to math.
Any favorite models? mmmm, i don't know many. in domestic, i choose Mariana Renata (Manohara juga boleh deh)
If you had £100 now what would you spend it on? buying new gadgets and going somewhere fantastic with my friends or family
Favorite song? "Everything" by Michael Buble. ga pernah bisa bosen denger lagu itu.
Fashion pet peeve? yang norak model atau gambarnya dan yang ga comfortable.
Do you admire anyone’s style? hm, i think so.
Describe your personal style casual, but sometimes may be a bit formal with skirt and shirt.
Last thing you saw on TV? Satu Jam lebih Dekat on TV One-TV Pemilu
Who's your favorite singer in your childhood? Sherina
What do you want to do now? Watching Prison Break Season 2 on DVD
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